Changing the world 15 minutes at a time

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Children for Children

Volunteering and giving back to our communities, locally and globally, are things that we should all be doing in order to enrich both our own lives and to improve the world around us. The earlier in life the importance of giving back is learned, the better. Through Children for Children, I recently learned that the main reason children do not engage in volunteerism is because no one asks them to or gives them an opportunity to volunteer. Children for Children seeks to use hands-on volunteering to teach children the value of community involvement and civic engagement. Last Thursday, I spent a day with CFC at an elementary school in Brooklyn at a service fair, during which we helped the children participate in activities such as potting plants for the residents at a local nursery home and making healthy cookbooks for a local food bank.

For this weeks 15 minutes, I ask you to speak to a child (brother, sister, niece or nephew, etc.) and explain the meaning of volunteering. Explain why it is important to give back to our communities and ask them what they think they can do to help their neighbors, community, or the world.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Returning Soon!

After a long hiatus (finishing my thesis... graduating... starting work), I'll be blogging once again starting this week. I have about 105 minutes give or take to catch you up on and I promise to post some really great causes, activities, and tidbits of information to help you change the world.

P.S. Will, I think you may be the only person who has ever even looked at this blog, so thank you!! And thanks for giving me a kick in the butt to get back to it!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Inspiration/Website of the Day

Do you know any soccer players at any level? Did you play soccer?
Today I was introduced to a really cool NGO-
Soccer Without Borders. The founder went to Lehigh University and as a former soccer player decided to combine his love of soccer with a desire to "change the world." I wanted to highlight the work being done by SWB because so many of us can relate to the positive impact sports have on children. The mission of SWB is to
"use soccer as a vehicle for positive change in the lives of marginalized youth." They have programs in El Salvador, Zambia, Nicaragua, South Africa, and Uganda. Their program helps young people make connections in their communities and develop through sport. There are several ways to help SWB and to get involved in this wonderful organization. These include volunteering, becoming a SWB Ambassador, sponsoring a team, or donating to SWB.

For more information about how to help visit

Tell your friends, family, and people you know involved in soccer!

Monday, March 31, 2008


Although I encourage you to support any candidate in this race for the White House, I personally support Barack Obama. I was lucky enough to see him speak in person today at Muhlenberg in Allentown, PA. His speech was full of hope and inspiration, and I truly believe that he deeply believes in what he says and that if he is elected his wonderful speeches will become reality. His message of change resonates not only with me, but with people of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds. It is a message of ending special interests control over politics in Washington and returning to what a true democracy means- listening to the voices of ordinary Americans- and acting to serve their best interest. For more information about Barack Obama visit

Obama's supporters with their 'Change We Can Believe In' signs rallying the auditorium
Senator Barack Obama speaking at Muhlenberg in Allentown, PA on March 31st, 2008.

Remember, the great thing about this country is that you can form your own opinions, so my support of Barack Obama is based on my own personal opinions, and you are free to make your own. I only ask that you educate yourself about the issues and candidates before making those opinions and please do not let me or anyone else form them for you!

Video from his visit to Allentown:

Election 2008

One of the best and most important aspects of being an American is the ability to take part in the political process by voting or engaging in civic activities. In a democracy such as our own, the participation of ordinary citizens ensures that our voices are heard and politicians support the interests and aspirations of ordinary people rather than special interest groups. As we approach the 2008 Presidential election, I urge you to engage yourself and let your voice be heard. Regardless of the candidate you support, it is essential that you take part in this historic election.

-If you are from the following states, please make sure you've registered to vote and then vote!:
Pennsylvania- April 22

Indiana- May 6th, North Carolina- May 6th
Nebraska (Republicans only), West Virginia (Democrats Only)- May 13th
Hawaii (Republican only)- May 18th
Kentucky or Oregon- May 20th
Idaho (Republican only)- May 27th
Montana (Dems), New Mexico (Rep), or South Dakota- June 3rd

-Get the word out about who you are supporting, talk to your friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers...explain why you support your candidate or engage in civilized debate

-Volunteer to work for the campaign in your local community
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
John McCain

-Attend events in your community, better yet- Plan events!

-Read about your candidate, the election, and the issues that are important to you! (Sign up for Google news alerts, check out the New York Times online, or read your local newspaper)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour- Tonight!

Tonight is Earth Hour!

This happens in your home or your workplace at 8pm (your local time) on March 29th WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD by simply turning off your lights, your TV, your dishwasher, your heating or a/c.

On March 29th, 2008 at 8pm local time Earth Hour will commence ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a POWERFUL MESSAGE about the need for action on global warming.

Be part of making Earth Hour 2008 a huge, global success by telling your friends and family. Remember, every single light makes a statement and makes a difference.

Last year, on 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney (Australia) businesses turned off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. This massive collective effort reduced Sydney’s energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,616 cars off the road for a year.

Pledge your support for Earth Hour and find out more about the lights-out campaign at, the official website.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Website of the Day

Free Rice

Hunger is a serious epidemic around the world. Over 800 million people suffer from chronic hunger and it along with malnutrition is the biggest health threat world wide. As Amartya Sen said “below certain levels of nutrition, a man lacks not merely bodily energy and good health but even interest in much besides food.” Combating hunger is important in the overall goals of promoting education, health, and economic development.

If you play the vocabulary game on Free Rice for 15 minutes you can help send food to those who need it the most. (Send the link to anyone you know studying for the SAT's!)

For more information visit the World Food Programme

Also if you don't believe this is making a difference check this out! Additionally, if you are so inclined visit to learn about how you can write letters to encourage U.S. participation in the goal of giving 0.7% of national income to support the eradication of hunger and disease. Clearly the U.S. needs your voices of encouragement to help end hunger!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reading List

Education is the first step to making a difference. Here is a list of must reads for inspiration and education:

"The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities in Our Time"- Jeffrey D. Sachs

"Not On Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond"- John Prendergast and Don Cheadle

"Three Cups of Tea"- Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (Wonderful story of a mountaineer turned education pioneer in Pakistan)

"The Audacity of Hope"- Barack Obama

"Silent Spring"- Rachel Carson (A classic!)

"A Citizen's Guide to Politics in America: How the System Works & How to Work the System"- Barry R. Rubin

More to come... Please feel free to give suggestions!

Great Website to Help You Get Started

Charity Guide- Make a Difference in 15 minutes

Like I said before, this is not a new idea! The website above provides some really great, easy activities that take all of 15 minutes. I guarantee you have 15 minutes in your day to take a look at that list and find something that you could do to initiate change (I know I spend way more than 15 minutes a day on Facebook wasting time...). So take a look and if nothing suits your fancy, I'll have plenty more options in the near future!


So maybe it's not a new idea, but it certainly is an important idea:
Spend 15 minutes per week working for change.
Working to change the world.

Today, I had this epiphany, one which many before me have had, that just believing in a cause or acknowledging its existence is not enough to actually change the world. For me that was a very important revelation and it is actually something I knew deep within myself, but something that I needed a kick in the behind to actually accept. I heard a speaker today who told me that in 15 minutes a week I could make change happen. His name is John Prendergast and I actually believe him. Mr. Prendergast has been a champion of human rights, Darfur, and Africa for 25 years and also works in the community with the Big Brother Program. He is an amazing grassroots organizer and an inspiration to those of us who really do want to make a difference.

When I say "Change the World," you are probably thinking the same things I used to think: "I don't have time," "What can I really do?" "How can one person change the world?" I've realized though that those thoughts trap us into believing there is nothing we can do. However, there is so much we all can do to initiate change. I admit I am writing this as much to convince myself as to convince you of this wonderful, hopeful fact.

So my mission is to convince you that you can change the world in 15 minutes per week. Each week I will post various tasks, websites, ideas, and causes that will help us all in achieving various missions of change. I will report on my own activities as well and I will hold myself accountable to this mission.